The Blessed Mother Mary is the perfect example of someone we can turn to in our prayers and emulate most especially this month. She felt true peace that came from trusting in God during her time of waiting for Jesus to be born. She had no plans of her own and yet she quietly kept all things in her heart with prayer and quiet anticipation.
The long lines at popular stores, online shopping temptations and party invitations are endless- often depleting us of much needed energy. We are drawn into the seasonal chaos during this month unless we intentionally choose to do otherwise. Our souls desperately need peace especially during Advent. How can anyone truly be still?
Our world sees this prime time the weeks before Christmas as a key placeholder for shopping, decorating and making plans for family celebrations and having those celebrations. Quite frankly the better way is to use this time is to set aside more time for prayer and meditative time to be quiet and reflective. God knows what our "must do" list better than we do.
Advent is really a gift of time that if used well actually gives greater peace going into the hectic holiday celebrations. Christ within us leads us more effectively to know His will. Not everything that we think is important—really is. If prayer becomes a priority, then God will reveal what is essential and surprisingly many things on that to do list will be cancelled.
As a parent my view of this time has changed as my children have grown. I always used this time to insure I had completed the “list” of my children’s desires for presents. I was shopping, wrapping decorating and planning to receive family and friends for memorable parties during Advent. I missed so many moments to be still and find true peace.
I remember teaching my children that “Jesus is the reason for the season” and while we honored our spiritual traditions with great appreciation--my soul was not truly at rest. I was tired, overwhelmed and anxious about doing it all well. I think of Mary often. She traveled by donkey in the most uncomfortable conditions. She had no idea where they would deliver the baby, where she’d stay and they had absolutely no provisions for the baby. If we were in that situation—we’d hardly be at peace!
Her intimate connection with God the Father through prayerful dialogue gave her the confidence and assurances that she’d be provided for. She had to wait for all to be revealed to her—in fact, most of her life as a mother she waited for the next revelation of what the Father would have Jesus do. If we approach life this way-—peace will come like it did for her.
If we want to really “prepare ye the way of the Lord”-we should ask the Blessed Mother to guide us. Advent will become a time of quiet and prayerful reflection on the greatest gift coming to our hearts-the Birth of our Lord. The shopping and decorating will get done, but being intentional with our time will lead us to the holiest moments. The true meaning of Christmas life will be felt with His life within us.
The chaos of the season will be quieted by the whispering in our souls when we hear- “Be still ..and know I am God”.